Om mig

Mitt namn är Anna och jag har ändrat lite här på bloggen för att kunna skriva mer om politik istället för bara vad som händer dagligen I mitt liv. Hoppas att detta blir intressant för er.

onsdag 30 juni 2010


I have been riding a lesson today and it was just great! The horse I ride is just getting better and better and I am too I hope. At least it feels like I am getting somewhere with this. I try to ride 3-4 morning a week, the days when my youngest daughter is in nursery. But it has been so hot the last couple of days that I could just not do it. I thought about going out on Monday evening but when I drove home after the girls pony club it was 33 degrees outside and I could not do it. I don’t think it cooled down until eight o’clock or something. Before I am back again after riding it would be very late. And there is a day tomorrow also…..

It has actually been a good night in the house, I did wake up very early but only because I forgot to roll down the drape when I went to bed. No one has been sleeping in my bed but myself! Yippee……

And my youngest daughter is 3,5 years now and I am very proud of her at the moment because she is now dry all through the night and almost every day as well. She sometimes have an accident but it is often because she is playing or we do something and she forgets that she needs to go. But I think she is doing so well. When she was only 18 month old she did not want to use diapers during the day anymore, probably because her big sister took of her night nappies and when she saw that she could not be bothered about day nappies. It was hard work in the beginning I can tell you. I think I had potties all over the house, in almost every room. After a while I started to put the potties closer and closer to the bathrooms. Not that she did not go to the toilet but she could not reach the bathroom in time. Anyway now both of them are really good with the toilet and I can tell you it just makes things so much easier.

Going to pick up my oldest from primary in a bit, I hope you all have a nice day! Talk to you soon!


måndag 28 juni 2010

Monday=crazy day

Mondays are officially the crazy day of the week in our household. It is not only the first day of the week which I always feel is difficult but it is also the day when we have everything going on in the afternoon after school.

Picking up at 3.15, going to ballet at 3.30-4.30, directly after that we have pony riding from 5-5.30 pm and then going home and making dinner. During all this there is of course some snacking involved so everyone stays happy during the afternoon, that includes me as well.

I do not mind my children doing this but sometimes it feels ridiculous when I am driving them around to these things. They are just 3 and 5 years of age so I sometimes wonder what it will be like in 5-10 years of time? Hopefully they will have settled with one or to things to do, maybe one sport and one instrument. Any kind of music is a nice and it does give some perspective to just doing sports as if different sports is the only thing that counts. I learned the flute myself and I did get to do trips with the orchestra that I played in which was really nice. We went to Italy, Venice and Milan, and the other longer trip we did was to Harrogate where there was a youth festival of some sort. Besides that we did different shows on local theatres and stages and played when there was something going on in that little town where I grew up. And we did some marching….in really ridiculous costumes in a material that would probably be banned today because it might self combust or something!

Now I am sitting here and watching TV and having a nice cup of coffee. Tomorrow I am sure something funny will happen or knowing my family something will probably happen during the night…..

See you tomorrow


Hottest day ever!

Yesterday was the hottest day so far this season. One should not complain but it was almost unbearable. And then the football……well I suppose we will all survive it.

After trying to get the kids in bed for a couple of hours, it was like a bake oven upstairs, there was just to make sure the little one did not stay in my bed for too long. Of course I went up probably two minutes too late and yes…….pee all over my side of the bed!

After cleaning up there was not much else but to go to bed myself and I can tell you it was still boiling hot. I can just imagine how tired the girls will be tomorrow because they could not sleep. I do not think they fell asleep until 10.30pm and being just 3 and 5 years of age it will be even worse for them tonight.

About 1.30am I woke up again when the little one climbed into my bed. After 20 minutes of not being able to lie still she suddenly turned around and banged her head into my nose! Sounded like it broke, it didn't of course but I could suddenly feel it running from blood. I just love the night time in our house, it is so full of surprises.

I think the best part is that the only one being awake was me, no one heard my scream, the assailant was still asleep, actually never woke up and there was not a twitch from the body on the other side of the bed either……


I have also decided that I will start a diet, weight watches actually, I tried it a couple of years back after my first child and I think it worked very well for me.

I will write you soon again, maybe some more interesting stuff from yet another night in our household.

See you later


söndag 27 juni 2010

I cannot be the first to write

about their children.

I am not only going to write about my children I am actually going to write about other things that is going on in my life due to the fact that I am a mother of two small children. How about the fact that I do not think I have had one night sleeping all through since 2005! That is when my first daughter was born. Do not get me wrong I love my children but when you think about it many of you out there (who are not mothers and I do not include the fathers, I am sorry, but you seem to have a way of not waking up even though the children are screaming there heads off) can honestly say that you have not had one night in 5 years when you did not wake up at least one time? Please let me know!

The fact that I am constantly struggling with my weight. I read an internet article just a couple of days ago and it said that lack of sleep increases women's abdominal fat. So it is a fact then! I am fatter than I used to be because I lack sleep.

Maybe I should go to bed now then and not sit up and write a blog about how little I sleep…..

I will write again soon and probably talk about what I will be doing this summer holiday, it is coming up soon…..

Good night!