Om mig

Mitt namn är Anna och jag har ändrat lite här på bloggen för att kunna skriva mer om politik istället för bara vad som händer dagligen I mitt liv. Hoppas att detta blir intressant för er.

tisdag 24 augusti 2010

There is going to be some changes coming!

From next week we will be back in the UK again and with this there will also be some changes. One thing that I very foolishly have done is to enter a bet with my sister to loose 8kg until November when we are going on a vacation together! She will probably be very successful and I will not! I have the worst of character ever known to mankind. If I see something to eat it goes down. And it has become worse over the years. First I blamed everything on the pregnancies (as every woman does I think), you know breastfeeding and that, but after the two I had it sort of did not stop! And it has just become worse these last 5 years. I am now at my heaviest ever in my life. I weigh about 75 kg and that would be about 15 kg too much for me.

Now some people would probably say that it does not seem like a problem, there are people who are much heavier, have real problems with there weight and so on. And I feel for them, weight problems are real, dangerous and really exhausting problems. And for some very hard and psychological. But do you know what? It really does not matter to me because it does not take my problem away. To know that there are other people with the same problem like me does not make it easier for me, it’s just sad!

From next week there will be some changes to the diet and my exercise regime. I have 3 months (about) to get into better shape and show my sister that I can make a change to the better and I will do my very best. I have been training a lot when I was younger and I think I can still do it, it will just take the willpower of I do not know what to get started. I will probably hate it and I will be reluctant to do it on a daily basis because I know it will be very hard and boring. (No more nice Sunday lunches at the pub with a nice glass of wine.) But the thing that makes it easier is that if I do not make a change very soon it will be too late for me. I have turned forty and it feels like this is a breakpoint in my life where I will determine if I am to be heavier for the rest of my life or not. And I do not want to end up like some people I know who have struggled with there weight all their adult life.

I will tell you more as this progresses and I will also tell you how much I have worked out and what I have been eating to reach my goal. I hope to loose 6 kg, at a minimum, in these 3 months. That’s 0,5 kg per week which is reachable and on the lower side.

Talk to you soon again!


måndag 23 augusti 2010

A good day starts with a dip in the sea

This morning was just amazing! The view from my bedroom was something else. It is hard to explain but everything was very calm, no wind in the trees, not a curl on the water and the sun was just getting warm and nice. These days are easy to count in one summer but today was one of them. We have been bathing and laying in the sun all day long, the girls and I. I have been knitting and they have been chasing fish and building a sandcastle on the beach. It has been just lovely. Here is a picture of me sitting on the stairs down to the jetty. And yes it is just as amazing as it looks…… has been the most wonderful day today!

I hope for more of these days but you’ll never know with the weather in Sweden.

Later on we ended up fishing until late and the girls have just gone to bed even though it is long after their bedtime.

I am doing my knitting and I have taken a picture of it. I need to keep on knitting if I am going to be finishing this before we leave. It is coming on nicely but I have done only 2/5 of it so far. I will show you more later.

Good Night from me and see you later


söndag 22 augusti 2010

The Swedish elections is coming closer

On the 19th of September Sweden is going to vote for which political party is going to rule the next 4 years. It is really nerve-racking, specially for us who live abroad at this time. We are planning to return home during the next year but I must say it all depends on who wins this election!

There are two side and then some smaller parties in between, up and down. The coalitions today is known as “dom Rödgröna” (the Red and Green) they represent the ones towards the left, and then there is “Alliansen” (the Alliance) who are leaning right.

The last thing I read about was that they (the left side) had a proposition to have a butler service in the underground! You should be able to leave your laundry, have your groceries done for you to just pick up when coming home and so on. This is a suggestion from a party who thinks cleaning ladies are not suppose to be working in other peoples homes!

It is not nice to be a maid. (But a butler is apparently ok to be and use for service). Because being a maid/cleaning lady is degrading and really not something anyone should have to be. Well do you know what, I have been cleaning hotel rooms when I was younger and I can tell you that is not something nice. Wiping up pee around the toilet seat, changing sheets, and the best thing must be wiping up vomit on Sunday morning after the big company party! That is a job that I think would be considered degrading if anything. Not cleaning in a private home for a nice family! But they do the same things, don’t they (apart from the vomit on the Sunday I hope).

But the worst thing the Social party is doing for Sweden when talking about this job (the maid thing) as something degrading and not nice is what kind of message they are sending to a very young and impressionable generation. If one kind of job is not good enough for our elected people, why should we do it?

What kind of job is next?

It will be very exciting to see what they are going to talk about next and who is winning. What else is going to be read about in the newspapers tomorrow?

See you//Anna

måndag 16 augusti 2010

Swom, Super Word of Mouth

I have become a member of Swom. It stands for Super Word of Mouth. It is a social business connections site and it is just the right thing to work with when on doing business on the internet like I am.

It gives you the opportunity to connect with others who seek the business that you can offer or who have a business to offer you. There are a lot of people connected and when going for a Gold membership you can use your income from the site to advertise to other web pages. It does not cost anything to become a member but to really be able to use in your advantage you need to upgrade to Gold and you will not get anything paid out unless you do either.

Check this website out  and do not hesitate to become a free member to learn all about the system. Once you are there you will not want NOT to become a Gold member, trust me. You need to be recommended by someone to get in but that is sort of what the whole website is about, to build up your members and via the “word of mouth” build the website to become an even greater place to find others.

Check it out and do check my profile on this website. This is really fun to work with.


torsdag 12 augusti 2010

Fun day so far

We have bats in our garden at night and the girls are really fascinated by them. So much that we decided to build a bat house for them and see if we can attract some more. I think we have 2-3 of them, it is really hard to know because I can see more than one but they are quick and knowing exactly how many there are is impossible. Hopefully we will now know that we at least have more than one if we can see them in the house during the day.

And here is a picture of the bat house up in the tree. It was really easy to build and I found the instructions on the internet.


The day is turning out to be a sunny one, a little windy but I think some bathing is going to be done in the afternoon. First we are going to have lunch and today is spaghetti Bolognese.

Below is one of yesterdays view from the jetty. Did some knitting down there and this is alright to overlook I think. I will soon post a picture of my summer project.

See you!


tisdag 10 augusti 2010

Another not so nice day….

This is really turning into the usual Swedish summer! About 20-22 degrees, cloudy and a slight wind. It is such a difference from last summer when we had sun almost 4 weeks in a row. That was amazing! I only changed into clothes in the evening when the temperature dropped otherwise I was in my bikini all day long! Not that I look good in a bikini anymore but on the other hand there is no one else here on the island so it really does not matter.

But we have had some fun days. Yesterday we did a day that the girls decided everything we should do. We started out with our own Wild Kids adventure – walking around the island with a homemade map and some assignments to do along the way. Then we had some lunch and directly after that we took the boat into the larger island behind ours were we had a long walk and looked at some sheep in a field (they do not need to much when they are really bored) after that they had an ice cream and mommy finally had a nice latte from the café, after almost three weeks away from civilisation that coffee was godsend! Later we had a trampoline contest and then we did some bathing in the sea. I can tell you the girls were really tired in the evening that night.

I am still trying to get pictures inserted into my blog but I can’t get it to work. I am trying everything and it is really just a pain to keep trying. What is wrong with the technology when you can’t use it? Try everything………I am going to do another try I will just have a cup of coffee first to keep me going …..

Talk to you soon and hopefully you will see some nice rainy pictures as well.
