Om mig

Mitt namn är Anna och jag har ändrat lite här på bloggen för att kunna skriva mer om politik istället för bara vad som händer dagligen I mitt liv. Hoppas att detta blir intressant för er.

tisdag 21 september 2010

The elections are over…….

Sweden’s political election is over! The blue side won (right wing), although not with full power, and their is total chaos following this not just because there is not a majority but also because people have elected another party who are a bit radical in their beliefs.

The counting of all votes is not really over because of the postal votes and the votes who are coming from abroad. It may take until Thursday before they have counted all the votes. And if the right side is really lucky they might actually get another two mandates and then they will be in majority. Which would be amazing! I like the right side, they have done really good things for Sweden the last four years. Even though there is people who will show something else and worse things have happened the fact is that they have put pressure on people to work, not to stay on benefits, and to take charge of their own lives! And of course that is going to hurt some parts of the population. Anything else would be weird. People on benefits don’t want to hear that they are going to loose their benefits if they do not get up from their bums and make an effort to find a job, any job! Or move to where there are jobs! What is the problem with that? Swedish people must be the most lazy and ungrateful people on the planet at the moment! And that is only one of the things that have changed. Some people do not do well with change, do they? I suppose that is why the socialist have done so badly the last two elections, they have stayed in an old way of politics and haven’t really seen that the world have changed outside their window. Pathetic!

The other thing that you notice when reading comments in the internet newspapers is how many people who seem to change their mind every four years! How do you change political direction every four years? Isn’t that weird as well?

Well enough about politics, I am going to try a new recipe for cupcakes, sticky toffee pudding cupcake……mmmmmmmm.

Talk to you later!